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Texas Orthopaedic Advancements, Inc., branded as Texas Ortho, is a distributor of orthopedic products used in the Operating Room.
Started by Steve in 2000, Texas Ortho is an 8 time awarding winning distributorship; to include Wright Medical's 2006 Rookie distributor of the year,
top 5 North American distributorships in 2008, 2009, and 2010, Million Dollar Month milestone, as well as The Wright Medical Distributor of the Year in 2010.
As a repeat champion, Texas Ortho was recently awarded the MicroPort 2014 Distributor of the Year as well as a Top 5 Presidents Circle producer!

In 2011 Texas Ortho also expanded into Southern Louisiana. Now in 2015, Texas Ortho has merged sales forces with JSE Medical and has expanded into a large sales
organization, representing major US and global manufactures of orthopedic products used in the O.R.. MicroPort, Implant Partners, LinkBio, Integra LifeSciences, and
Cayenne Medical are at the core of our vast product portfolio.

The Medical device industry is moving into an era with large orthopedic company consolidation and the subsequent loss of local service. Our model brings new Global innovative,

but with the Texas sized service our customers have enjoyed for years!